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Friday, December 2, 2011

Less Than Half, More Than Whole ~ Kathleen & Michael Lacapa (1994, Northland Publishing)

Summary: This story is about a boy could be considered half native and half white and his journey trying to figure out where he fits in. His friend tells him that he's is less than half and he doesn't understand what that means. His paternal grandfather explains to him the importance of differences amoung people. He does this by showing him the corn and how all the colors in the corn make up the whole.

My Review: I like this book for several reasons. It has a glossary of terms, concepts and designs in the back for teacher and reader reference. It also has an explaination from the authors about why they wrote the book for children (who are half). My son is also half and I think this book is a great way of explaining to him how he can figure out who he is.

About the Authors: Michael and Kathleen are married and have three children. Michael, unfortunately, has passed away since writing this book. He had visited my school when I was in 4th or 5th grade and I was blessed with being able to meet him and hear him tell a story. Michael was also the illustrator for this book and has some experience teaching.

Genre: Multicultural, Realist-Fiction
Theme / Skill: Accepting who you are and who others are.
Age Level: 10+

Pre-reading Activity: I would ask the students what it means to be less than half and have them draw a picture of what it means to be less than half using a cup and water. I would ask them what it means to be more than whole and have them draw a picture using the same objects. I would ask them how they think that relates to this book about a boy.

Post-reading Activity: I would have students do a free write journal that answers these questions: Who are you? (Cultural background) Do you ever feel like Tony does, you don't know who you are or where you belong?
I would ask the students if any of them wanted to share their journal entries.

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